Start earning Glow Rewards
Create an account to earn
Glow Rewards
Enjoy exclusive membership offers and discounts every time you shop online at Wood Fuel Direct. All you have to do is sign up – it’s free.
Create an Account
How it works:
1. Sign up for a free account
2. Earn points for every pound you spend
3. Redeem your points for discounts on future purchases
Ways to earn points:
Place an order
1 Point for every £1 spent
Way to redeem your points:
Point Tier System
You spend: | Points earned: | Points worth: |
£100 | 100 points | £5 |
£250 | 250 points | £12.50 |
£500 | 500 points | £25 |
£1,000 | 1000 points | £50 |